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Case Study | Goal Systems

Managing employee experience during business transformation

Sector: Software development

Goal Systems (GS) is a global logistics software specialist, providing support to governments, multinationals & small institutions across Europe & LATAM.

“Employee experience is never easy to measure, but for early career talent, it is especially difficult. We already invest a lot in helping our young employees thrive, but we were interested in seeing more data and getting new perspectives on what shapes their EX. Welliba’s science and solution helps us understand some new ideas to take the current listening approaches to a different level”

Jan Houben
Talent Manager

“Welliba is enabling us to effectively and confidently manage change using trustworthy data. The initial insights gave us a comprehensive overview of where our critical levers lie and how to take action.

This new objective and predictive approach has opened the door for our corporate team, hiring managers and junior teams to get actively involved in creating a new culture centred around our people’s true needs.”

María Íñigo
HRBP & Employee Experience Manager


In 2022, Goal Systems (GS) was acquired by an investment fund that set out to build on GS’ successful operations and help it to continue to scale. Like many software companies, Goal Systems is shifting to a leaner 100% SAAS business model. The company’s people strategy, along with its capacity to balance its teams, is pivotal to successfully dealing with the complexity of the transformation. The fierce competition for specialist tech profiles puts further stress on Goal Systems’ HR strategy.

Goal Systems had no existing strategy designed specifically to improve employee experience (EX) or use sophisticated listening approaches. GS, therefore, first needed to understand what factors play a central role in retaining and developing critical talent. The new strategy will focus on improving wellbeing across the global organisation.

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Welliba’s solution:
EX+ to predict and improve employee experience

Welliba’s research has uncovered the intrinsic drivers of EX (self-insight) and mapped external contextual boosters and blockers (context insight) that influence EX.

EX+ maps all critical and personal factors to reveal a broad image of EX. Employees get personalised insights and access to learning resources by interacting with EX+. HR gets access to aggregate real-time data to manage EX and its business outcomes.

EX+ supports Goal Systems’ continuous listening strategy that motivates participants to share quality data by giving individuals personalised feedback, whilst protecting their privacy.

HR promoted EX+ as an opportunity for employees to actively participate in shaping the current and future organisational context of Goal Systems. EX+ provides them with a “safe space” where they can share anonymous and continuous feedback on culture initiatives, benefits, career development, and other ongoing topics within the organisation.

Data produced for individuals and aggregate data produced for organisations
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Welliba ongoing EX insights and impact

200 employees were invited to register for EX+. As a result:

  • The response rate was 60%, whilst the industry average rarely surpasses 5%.
  • HR gained a better understanding of core boosters and blockers such as Business Strategy, Composure & Resilience. Many of these had not surfaced in previous impact interviews.
  • HR received insights into people risks, such as flight risk & physical safety. Both risks have become hot topics due to recent changes in remote work initiatives.
  • HR now uses EX+ to proactively work towards retaining key talent and designing new initiatives centred on core issues such as top-down communication & career development.
  • Employees received personalised insights into their employee experience and advice on how to manage their blockers.
  • HR has access to real-time data and feedback on ongoing & new initiatives.

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